Startup Success: Building PR Strategies That Pack a Punch

Ryan Woods
Started PR
January 2025

Startup Success: Building PR Strategies That Pack a Punch

In the fast-paced world of tech and fintech, countless startups are discovering that strategic PR can be their secret weapon. With expert guidance from a partner like Started PR, emerging businesses across the tech and fintech sectors can cut through the noise, compete with industry leaders, boost visibility and accelerate growth. 

Here are three practical ways startups can leverage PR to drive growth and gain visibility:

1. Buy In To The Attention Economy

Let’s face it—fintechs today must stand out not only against direct competitors but across entire industries. While social and digital media have theoretically levelled the playing field, action is what turns potential into results. With the expertise of Started PR, startups can craft impactful campaigns that capture attention and make a lasting impression.

Engaging with the attention economy doesn’t mean churning out quirky TikToks or overloading LinkedIn with corny posts. It’s about understanding and adapting to the evolving ways people consume and respond to information. Failing to embrace this shift means missing out on valuable opportunities and potentially putting your business at a disadvantage.

2. Hit the High Note with Pitch Perfect PR

Strategic fintech PR is about telling the right story to the right audience. Securing media coverage in the right outlets can amplify a startup’s visibility and credibility, positioning it as an industry leader. This not only raises awareness but also makes the business more attractive to potential investors, partners, and top talent, all of which are essential to reaching that next business milestone. 

Everyone dreams of being on the front cover of the Financial Times, showcasing their game-changing technology. But for many startups, that might not be a realistic goal—at least not just yet. The good news is that there’s a litany of fantastic titles that can serve your business equally well, it’s just a matter of connecting with them with the right message. 

3. Tell Your Story and Change The Conversation

Startups are uniquely positioned to engage in the types of conversations that can challenge and unsettle larger, more established players. This makes them fantastic assets for media coverage. Once again, success lies in getting that positioning right and crafting a message that resonates in the language the media understands. 

Partnering with Started PR places you in a powerful position to achieve this and make an outsized impression. We advocate for PR strategies that leverage the power of compelling and emotive storytelling. This approach not only builds trust but also positions startups as leaders in the key industry discussions that matter most to them.

If your fast-growth business is ready to make its mark and compete on a larger stage, the Started PR team is here to help. Let’s show the world what your business can achieve.